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Excellent game. Fun levels, great style, and enjoyed learning how to choose units and counter.  Maybe add a "next ready unit" button? Mouseover shortcut for R/I on the GUI could help. Difficulty was fun for easy/medium but could be made slightly harder.  Took me some time to figure out the unit type vs. affinity (weakness??) charts. Nice job overall!

Thank you, I am glad you enjoyed playing it. I will add your idea on my to do list. There are a lot of QoL improvements that I want to make, and a next ready unit feature will help a lot.


Clicked on this game since it looked interesting, and the UI looked inspired by Wesnoth, a game I liked, but was genuinely (and pleasantly) surprised by this.

First of all, unlike a lot of strategy game I've played on Itch, this one is smooth, actions flow well, commands aren't painful, and it's just overall pretty fast. The art style is neat too, but the animations, as simple as they are, make the game much more alive and enjoyable.

From a gameplay perspective, most of the core mechanics are quite well thought. Units, like advance wars, deal less damage the more they're wounded, but still deal decent damage even at low health, which is pretty neat, especially since there's no source of healing I've encountered so far.

The levels are pretty nice too, the more open ones are not too difficult, but the no build ones have offered a nice challenge to me. Though ranged units tend to be really strong in any case.

I've only played the first campaign at the time of reviewing, but I liked it a lot so far. One thing that might be a bug(?) was that spearmen tend to deal less damage to centaur than they should (15 damage at full health, despite having 20 base atk and advantage over beast enemies)

Thank you for your feedback. I will look into the damage bug and I am planning to add some new features and looking to make some quality of life changes, and balance out the units and buildings.