In the kingdom of Terranor, peace and prosperity reigned under the benevolent rule of the king. However, his assassination plunged the nation into chaos, splintering it into three warring factions: the Loyalists, the Rebels, and the Arcanists. The Loyalists strive to reunite the kingdom in honor of the slain king, the Rebels seek independence and the formation of their own republic, while the Arcanists aim to install their own Mage King and dominate Terranor with arcane power.

You will take command of the Loyalist faction, engaging in a series of strategic battles across six challenging levels. Each level presents unique objectives and terrain, from fortifying defenses and capturing enemy strongholds to withstanding surprise assaults and navigating multi-faction free-for-alls.

Game features:

  1. Deep Tactical Combat: Employ a variety of units, each with unique abilities and strengths, to outmaneuver and outsmart enemy forces.
  2. Faction Dynamics: Face off against the cunning Arcanists and determined Rebels, each with their own strategies and motivations.
  3. Resource Management: Capture and manage resources to sustain your army, and recruit additional units.


  • Left Mouse Button - Select, give move and attack orders to selected units. Double-click a tile to inspect terrain properties.
  • Right Mouse button - Right-click a tile to inspect terrain properties.
  • R - Open the unit recruitment panel
  • I - Toggle on/off the unit details panel
  • M - End your turn


The game can be played on desktop and mobile browsers.

Updated 11 days ago
Published 14 days ago
TagsMedieval, Tactical, Turn-based, Turn-Based Combat, Turn-based Strategy

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